Support to ATR members

The Association for Tree-Ring Research offers support for students, early career and established researchers who would not normally be able to participate in ATR organised and (or) supported events such as workshops, field classes or conferences. ATR travel supports amounts to 350 Euro. In exceptional cases the ATR board can decide to approve higher grants for travel support. For more information, please contact the ATR board.

To apply for ATR support, please fill out the grant application form.

Please note that:

  • only members of ATR (join us here), and -depending upon the financial situation of the Association- also participants from LDC-countries are eligible to apply for support,
  • first-time applicants will be given priority,
  • requests should be sent latest 6 weeks prior to the event,
  • support to participate in conferences can only be considered in case of active participation (e.g., oral or poster presentation), and
  • grants will first be paid after the event. A proof of participation should be provided.